
Our solution

AGREEMAR proposes an integrated and coordinated methodology to assess and map the feasibility of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) in the Mediterranean basin and safeguard its success through the implementation of an adaptive governance framework. This will be achieved through:

Feasibility mapping

Development of a methodology for the selection of feasible locations for MAR application based on the integration of demand for groundwater-dependent services, conventional and non-conventional water sources, and intrinsic hydrogeological conditions.

Groundwater modelling

Validation of the feasibility maps through numerical models at watershed and local scale to assess the improvements in reliability, vulnerability and resilience provided by the inclusion of MAR schemes in water management schemes.

Governance systems

Development of a general participatory governance framework at regional level and implementation of co-created location-specific agreements for MAR benefits sharing endorsed by cross-sectoral stakeholder groups.

Stakeholders engagement

Implementation of a participative multi-actor approach for fostering the engagement of stakeholders from different societal sectors and actor groups in all stages of project development.

Join our efforts to improve the methodology for MAR feasibility mapping!

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The concept of MAR agreements presented at the World Groundwater Congress IAH2024 in Davos, Switzerland

Catalin Stefan presenting the concept of MAR agreements at the World Groundwater Congress IAH2024 in Davos, Switzerland, 8-13 September 2024 Our project coordinator, Dr. Catalin Stefan Just returned from the World Groundwater Congress IAH2024 held this year in Davos, Switzerland. With 55 parallel sessions, over 1000 participants from more than 80 countries, 14 technical trips to different places in the Alps, tons of …

Two new important deliverables published in work package 3 on MAR governance and regional draft agreements

The end of July marked the publication of two more deliverables in work package 3: D3.2 General Governance Framework for MAR agreementsDeliverable D3.2 presents a general governance framework to support managed aquifer recharge (MAR) agreements. It provides a fundamental basis, paving the way for the co-creation of committed and responsible agreements that are essential to the effective management of MAR …

Annual AGREEMAR consortium meeting hosted by the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC) in Lisbon, 3-4 June 2024

Between 3-7 June 2024, the AGREEMAR team attended the 8th European Congress “Water – Across Boundaries” of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR). Before the conference, we used the opportunity and also organised an additional meeting of the AGREEMAR consortium on the LNEC campus in Lisbon, Portugal. Annual meeting of the AGREEMAR consortium in Lisbon, Portugal, 3-4 …

AGREEMAR at the 8th European Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research

Between 3-7 June 2024, the AGREEMAR team attended the 8th European Congress “Water – Across Boundaries” of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR2024) in Lisbon, Portugal. The conference was organised by the Portuguese National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC). Members of AGREEMAR consortium attending the 8th IAHR European Congress in Lisbon, Portugal, 3-7 June 2024 The conference …

Akrotiri groundwater modelling – stakeholder interaction and training workshop in Cyprus

On 22 and 23 May 2024, Technische Universität Dresden together with ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence organised a stakeholder interaction and training workshop at the Water Development Department in Nikosia, Cyprus. The event was attended by representatives of Water Development Department and Geological Survey of Cyprus. AGREEMAR groundwater modelling workshop and training course in Cyprus, 22-23 May 2024 The first day was …

Integrated Water Resources Management – Aquifer Recharge: Stakeholder interaction workshop in Portugal

On April 18th, 2024, the AGREEMAR partner LNEC organised a stakeholder interaction workshop with the participation of 20 people representing national, regional, and local institutions. In this workshop, the tools developed to date in the AGREEMAR project have been presented (feasibility maps, regional and local numerical model, and Constellation Analysis, CA) and stakeholders have been invited to participate in collaborative …

AGREEMAR team participated in the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU2024)

Thursday, 18 April 2024, the AGREEMAR team presented its work on understanding the natural groundwater recharge trends in Chiba watershed at the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU2024) in Vienna, Austria. Dr. Khaoula Khemiri presented the work on behalf of the authors Anis Chekirbane, Khaoula Khemiri, Constantinos F. Panagiotou, and Catalin Stefan. The oral presentation deals with an …

AGREEMAR was present at the 29th Conference of the Hydrogeology Section of the German Geological Society in Aachen, Germany

Between 20-23 March 2024, Dr. Stefan (TUD) attended the 29th Conference of the Hydrogeological Section of the German Geological Society (FH-DGGV) in Aachen, Germany, and presented the latest developments of the web-based INOWAS groundwater modelling platform, including modelling case studies from the AGREEMAR project. Dr Stefan (TUD) presented the INOWAS modelling platform at the 28th Conference of the Hydrogeology Section …

Visit to the Regional Agricultural Authorities of Nabeul governorate (CRDA of Nabeul) and field visit in Korba MAR facility

On 28 February 2024, Dr. Panagiotou (ERATOSTHENES CoE) and Prof. Chekirbane (INAT) visited the headquarters of the Agricultural authorities of Nabeul governorate (CRDA) to discuss the quality status of the aquifer system in Korba and the risks associated with the use of treated wastewater for managed aquifer recharge (MAR). Dr. Panagiotou (ECoE) visiting the Korba MAR site in Tunisia, 28 …

Presentation of MAR feasibility maps in Cyprus to representatives of Water Development Department

A stakeholder meeting was held in the facilities of the Water Development Department on the 29 January 2024. During that meeting, Dr. Panagiotou, PI of the local partner (ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence) of AGREEMAR project, presented the latest outcomes regarding the identification of regions within the Republic of Cyprus which are feasible for installation of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) systems. …