Work package 1. Fostering stakeholders’ engagement

The needs, capacities, roles, responsibilities and commitment as well as engagement of stakeholders from four Mediterranean case studies will be mapped at national/regional/local level and analyzed for the development of the feasibility maps, the elaboration and endorsement of adaptive agreements, and their implementation for a local MAR system.

AGREEMAR Deliverable D1.1a. Preliminary analysis of project-relevant stakeholders

D1.1a Preliminary analysis of project-relevant stakeholders

Deliverable D1.1a identifies for each project demo site the key stakeholders at three levels that are significant for the joint development of an overall governance agenda for MAR and its participatory implementation at the local level. In addition, initial assumptions are made about the needs and competences of the identified stakeholders in relation to MAR.

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AGREEMAR Deliverable D1.1 Stakeholder engagement strategy and plan

D1.1 Stakeholder engagement strategy and plan

Deliverable D1.1 provides project partners with tailor-made engagement formats adapted to the needs of the stakeholders, guided in addressing typical engagement challenges and managing conflicts, as well as establishing mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the engagement progress.

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D1.2 Awareness and outreach campaign

The present report provides an overview of awareness raising and outreach activities from the start of the project until 30 November 2023. The dissemination channels include on-site and online participative stakeholder workshops at various stages of the project, participation in scientific conferences and workshops, publication of project deliverables, development and consolidation of a general identity image through a modern corporate design that includes also templates, logos, flyers and brochure, website etc.

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Work package 2. MAR feasibility mapping

A set of methodologies for MAR feasibility assessment at regional level will be developed, including a comprehensive matrix of feasibility criteria and considering biophysical, technological, social, economic, environmental, hydrological, institutional, and financial indicators.

AGREEMAR Deliverable D2.1 Matrix of feasibility criteria for managed aquifer recharge

D2.1 Matrix of feasibility criteria for managed aquifer recharge

Deliverable D2.1 is dedicated to the compilation of an extensive database containing hydrogeological, geochemical, biophysical, environmental, social, economic feasibility criteria for managed aquifer recharge. The current version of the database can be downloaded from the following address:

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AGREEMAR Deliverable D2.2 Participative methodology for criteria selection and weighting in MAR site feasibility mapping

D2.2 Participative methodology for criteria selection and weighting in MAR site feasibility mapping

Deliverable D2.2 is dedicated to the development of a new methodological approach for mapping the geospatial feasibility of managed aquifer recharge applications. The report focuses on the selection and weighting of feasibility criteria and their integration into a GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis.

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Work package 3. Adaptive governance framework

The feasibility maps will be used for the elaboration of an adaptive governance framework for MAR benefits sharing. This will include drafting country-specific multi-sectorial, multi-stakeholder agreements on water allocation plans for MAR implementation. The general objective is to provide draft agreements for MAR among stakeholders from different societal sectors, integrating the general, regional and local scales.

AGREEMAR Deliverable D3.1 Preliminary analysis of indicators and methodologies for decision-making

D3.1 Preliminary analysis of indicators and methodologies for decision-making

Deliverable D3.1 provides a preliminary analysis of indicators and methodologies for decision-making and highlights the importance of integrated water management and the use of indicators for planning and sustainable exploitation of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) projects.

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D3.2 General Governance Framework for MAR agreements

Deliverable D3.2 presents a general governance framework to support managed aquifer recharge (MAR) agreements. It provides a fundamental basis, paving the way for the co-creation of committed and responsible agreements that are essential to the effective management of MAR systems.

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D3.3 Set of Regional Draft Agreements tailored to the project case studies

Deliverable D3.3 covers the technical assessments, stakeholder engagement, regulatory framework analysis, and the elaboration of guidelines for managed aquifer recharge (MAR) agreements implementation tailored to each case study of the AGREEMAR project in Spain, Portugal, Tunisia, and Cyprus.

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Work package 4. Validation through numerical modelling

The governance scenarios will be supported at local scale by groundwater flow models that will help to understand the response of the aquifer to the proposed interventions and to discuss with stakeholders’ alternative scenarios including the no-action impacts.

Work package 5. Agreements implementation at local scale

A general costs-benefits analysis for areas selected for implementation will assess the economic impact of the MAR schemes. The governance framework will be refined based on groundwater flow simulations and economic valuation, and specific agreements will be negotiated with local stakeholders.

Work package 6. Project management

The project will be managed and coordinated by TUD together with the Principal Investigators (PI) from each partner institution and with direct collaboration with the WP leaders to ensure the successful implementation and the completion of milestones and deliverables.

AGREEMAR Deliverable D6.1. Project website

D6.1 Project website

This report describes the website of the AGREEMAR project. The website was developed by the Research Group INOWAS at Technische Universität Dresden and launched in July 2022. The website serves as central tool for dissemination of project results and external communication. The URL of the website is:

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AGREEMAR Deliverable D6.2 Detailed Project Action Plan

D6.2 Detailed Project Action Plan

This report describes the detailed Project Action Plan (PAP) of the AGREEMAR project. It includes the detailed planning of project tasks including sub-tasks, responsible institutions, the table of deliverables and the GANTT chart.

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AGREEMAR Deliverable D6.3 Data Management Plan (DMP)

D6.3 Data Management Plan (DMP)

This document contains the Data Management Plan (DMP) of the AGREEMAR project. The DMP describes the practices adopted for data management according to general guidelines set by the European Commission and in compliance with the Cooperation Agreement signed by the consortium.

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AGREEMAR Deliverale D6.4.a Minutes of kick-off meeting in Dresden

D6.4a Minutes of kick-off meeting in Dresden

This report summarizes the AGREEMAR kick-off meeting that took place between 5-8 September 2022 at the main Campus of Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. The kick-off meeting was divided into four parts: a) Preliminary bilateral workshops, b) Presentations on the main project objectives, working packages and demo sites, c) Three workshops on the project methodologies and d) Field trip on the Elbe River.

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D6.4b Minutes of mid-term meeting in Valencia

This report summarizes the AGREEMAR mid-term meeting that took place on 7 and 8 September 2023 at the main Campus of Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Valencia, Spain. The mid-term meeting was divided into two parts: a) Presentations on the progress of project activities, b) Field trip to the Spanish case study sites including meetings with local stakeholders.

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