Short description
adelphi research gGmbH was founded in 2001 in Berlin as a non-profit and independent institution for applied environmental research and policy analysis. adelphi analyses national and international water, environmental, energy and climate practices and policies and carries out projects on technology, development and social issues. adelphi’s water programme integrates multidisciplinary perspectives and develops tailored solutions for diverse socioeconomic and natural frameworks, evaluates sustainable technologies and innovative solutions for water supply, wastewater treatment and water resource management in rural and urban settings. adelphi’s water team analyze technological, ecological, political, institutional and economic conditions and shape cooperation processes at the local, national and international levels. In this way, adelphi supports stakeholders worldwide in the development and implementation of integrated water resource management and adapted water technology and management concepts.
Over the past 20 years, adelphi has gathered ample relevant experience in:
- Innovation support through developing needs assessments, feasibility studies and roadmaps for innovative water treatment systems and management solutions
- Strong expertise in water resources management in Europe and beyond with emphasis on integrated, gender-sensitive, participatory and nature-based solutions
- Strategic initiation and facilitation of stakeholder engagement, policy dialogue and public participation processes
- Effective communication of project results, including good practices and lessons learned especially toward practitioners as well as policy and decision makers (“bridging the science- policy-practice gap”)
adelphi’s main tasks in the project include promoting stakeholder engagement (WP 1), developing an adaptable governance framework (agreements) (WP 3) and implementing it at local level (WP 5), whereby adelphi has the role of the WP leader of WP 1 and WP 5.

Ronjon Heim
Principal Investigator
Dr Ronjon Heim (born Chakrabarti) is a Senior Researcher in the topic area water at adelphi. His research and consulting work focuses on the analysis, development and evaluation of innovative and nature-based technologies for water treatment. In particular, he places an emphasis on local needs analysis and integrated water management guaranteeing equitable access to safe water, as well as climate change adaptation and the use of renewable energies. He considers knowledge exchange and a participatory approach to developing solutions critical to ensure that the final users derive maximum and sustainable benefits from his projects. In AGREEMAR, Dr Heim is responsible for leading WP1 and WP5 for which he makes use of his experience of more than 15 years of working in research and development projects on sustainable water solutions and MAR technologies in Europe, Asia, Latin America and North Africa.

Anika Conrad
Project Member
Ms Anika Conrad works as a consultant on adelphi’s topic area of water on integrated water resources management and climate adaptation. She gained profound experiences in paving the way for successful adaptation and implementation of innovative water technologies to/at various contexts. To this end, she conducts needs assessments, feasibility studies, barrier analysis and cost-benefit analyses, and develops roadmaps for solution implementation. In ongoing projects, Anika conducts tailored dialogues and training to promote stakeholder engagement and ownership in improving MAR site monitoring systems in Cyprus and Brazil as well as other sustainable water solutions in Europe, Asia and Latin America.
Relevant publications and presentations (selection):
- Conrad, A.C.; März, M.; Chakrabarti, R. (2019): Adapted subsurface water solutions across continents. In Journal of Water Security 5(0). DOI: 10.15544/jws.2019.006
- Chakrabarti, R. Analysis of community-based nature-oriented surface water treatment. PhD Thesis. Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin, 2017 DOI: 10.14279/depositonce-6013
- Chakrabarti, R. Jekel, M. Mazumdar, A. Technical, socio-environmental and economic performance evaluation of nature oriented drinking water treatment plant, Presentation at Engineering Section of 104th Indian Science Congress January 2017 in Tirupati, India
- Chakrabarti, R. et al. (2015): Addressing Climate Change Impacts through Community-Level Water Management. Case Studies from the South-Eastern Coastal Region of India. In: Shrestha et al. (eds.): Managing Water Resources under Climate Uncertainty. Examples from Asia, Europe, Latin America and Australia. Heidelberg u.a.: Springer, pp. 291-317.
- Chakrabarti, R.; Kabisch S.; Arora, R. and Chaturvedi, A. (2015): Integrated water resource management for community-based climate change adaptation. Case study for a small-scale rural water supply. In: IWRA (India) Journal 4:1, pp. 8-16.