The Third Arab Land Conference took place in Rabat, Morocco, between 18-20 February 2025. The conference was organised by the Ministry of National Territory and Urban Planning, Housing, and City Policy in Morocco, UN-Habitat, GLTN, and the Arab Land Initiative, in partnership with the League of Arab States, UNESCWA, UNECA, the World Bank, BMZ, the Netherlands’ RVO, and Morocco land sector stakeholders.

AGREEMAR was represented at the conference as part of a consortium consisting of three PRIMA-funded projects focused on groundwater and non-conventional water use in the Mediterranean basin:
- AG-WaMED: Advancing non conventional water management for innovative climate-resilient water governance in the Mediterranean Area
- AGREEMed: Innovative Aquifers Governance for Resilient Water Management and Sustainable Ecosystems in Stressed Mediterranean Agricultural Areas
- AGREEMAR: Adaptive agreements on benefits sharing for managed aquifer recharge in the Mediterranean region
At the conference, the joint efforts of the three projects were included in a presentation entitled “Integrated Land and Water Management with Non-Conventional Waters in the Mediterranean Area”, which was given by Prof. Elena Bresci from University of Florence, Italy, and included in the session “Land for food security and climate action”.
We are grateful to Prof. Bresci for this initiative and to the conference organisers for providing us the opportunities to share the results of the three projects.