AGREEMAR proposes a multi-scale approach aimed to foster the implementation of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) in the Mediterranean basin. The particular scope of the project is to develop specific governance models for MAR and to demonstrate their applicability at selected case study areas. The implementation of MAR agreements (AGREEMAR governance models) will be supported by four pillars approaches that will help to demonstrate the qualitative and quantitative feasibility of future MAR schemes:
Feasibility mapping

Development of a methodology for the selection of feasible locations for MAR application based on the integration of demand for groundwater-dependent services, conventional and non-conventional water sources, and intrinsic hydrogeological conditions.
Groundwater modelling

Validation of the feasibility maps through numerical models at watershed and local scale to assess the improvements in reliability, vulnerability and resilience provided by the inclusion of MAR schemes in water management schemes.
Governance framework

Development of a general participatory governance framework at regional level and implementation of co-created location-specific agreements for MAR benefits sharing endorsed by cross-sectoral stakeholder groups.
Stakeholders engagement

Implementation of a participative multi-actor approach for fostering the engagement of stakeholders from different societal sectors and actor groups in all stages of project development.